Star Wars: The Force Awakens Movie Discussion and Questions
9:14 PM
Okay, so if you haven't already seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens by now, then you need to get off your bum and go see it, even though I assume most of you have witnessed it's glory due to record-breaking box office success. My subtle opinion was only that the movie is good, no more, no less. The Force Awakens (TFA) deemed to be ever-so similar to Episode 4 of the original series, A New Hope. Therefore possessing no original storyline. Don't get me wrong, the acting was magnificent and the soundtrack composed by John Williams was simply spectacular, but there is so much George Lucas could have done with this universe.
Of course, my favorite character was Rey, portrayed by the talented Daisy Ridley. I believe Rey was a strong female character/lead as she, excuse my language, kicked ass. The soundtrack was so powerful, energetic and exciting. I applaud John Williams and his talent in bringing the story to life with his composer. Coming up, I have flaming hot questions from not just me, but other Star Wars fans after watching the movie.1. Why is there a map to Luke Skywalker?
Luke is the last Jedi, who clearly doesn't want to be found. So how did the map come up? How did a piece of it fall into the hands of Lor San Tekka? What has Luke been up to?
2. Who is Rey and why was she dumped on Jakku?
I feel like we all have this question burning in our mind. All we know is she has the force and was some how able to use it in an advanced way without proper training. I've heard multiple theories regarding whether Rey is Luke's daughter, because Han and Leia were apparently suspicious in their sense of care for Rey. Some say she may be the sister of Kylo Ren, but I don't know how that would work. Either way, we shall see.
3. Who in the heck is supreme Leader Snoke?
There isn't really much known about Supreme Leader Snoke and all he did in the movie was receive reports and appear as a hologram. After the fallout between Rey and Kylo Ren, he states that he wants Kylo back to finish his training.
4. What is the connection between the Resistance and the Republic?
So overall, I really enjoyed The Force Awakens as a movie. It was action packed and exciting as a Star Wars fan to see the franchise rebooted. Even though, I felt like Han Solos death could have been more..... meaningful, it was kind of predictable. I hope that the future movies will reveal answers to our burning questions. Hopefully Episode VIII won't be similar to Episode V: The empire Strikes Back. Speaking of episodes, is anyone else excited for the upcoming Star Wars movies?
1. Rogue One: December 16th 2016
Rogue One is set before the daring adventures of Luke Skywalker as it tells the story about a team apart of the Rebel Alliance who attempts a heist, the result in which they steal the plans for the Death Star. The movie will be directed by Gareth Edwards.
2. Star Wars: Episode VIII : May 26 2017
This movie will continue the ongoing story of Rey, Finn, Poe and Kylo Ren as it will hopefully answer some questions for fans.
3. Han Solo Anthology: May 25th 2018
The origin story of Han Solo.
4. Star Wars: Episode IX : 2019The Final installment of the 3rd trilogy and will be huge for Disney as it will bring The Force Awakens story line to a close.
5. Star Wars Anthology: Boba Fett : 2020
Stay Originally You,
P.S. Well, if you have any discussion, thoughts, questions or anything regarding something I missed or was not correct on, feel free to comment down below. Also, information for this post was found Here and Here