Sixteen things I've Learned Within Sixteen Years
8:51 PM1.) Learn to be Independent- Learn not to rely on others
2.) Confidence is Important- Even if you don't feel confident, be all that you can be. Confidence is a fundamental key to everyday life.
3.) Honestly, Stop Making Excuses for Yourself- Excuses get you no where as a person. Just get yourself together and do it!
4.) Who Cares what People Think (For the most part)- There are only a select few opinions that should matter to you and that are worth listening too. Don't base how you do things off other peoples opinion, because it will only lower your self-esteem and who you are as a person.
5.) Balance is Key- Find a divide in your life between school/work and your free time. Balance each of them out and it will make life easier.
6.) Millennials are Interesting- Just a random thought that though I am a millennial myself, I dislike how immune we are too social interaction.
7.) Mistakes are Natural- Don't sweat it. Mistakes happen everyday! I came to peace with this statement when I saw a quote on Tumblr that said "Sometimes, you can make no mistakes, do everything right, and still lose". Unfortunately, I have no idea who stated this quote.
8.) Don't Miss the Chance to Try something New- This doesn't mean to try drugs, but to take a chance and try something foreign to you. When you try it, you might just discover a new liking for it.
9.) If you Have the Opportunity to Travel, do it!- Enough Said
10.) Find a Passion that Excites you- Pursue your dreams.
11.) Work hard and Achieve- If you work hard, then you can achieve, but save some time to have fun on the side.
12.) Learn From Others and Make New Friends - Through this blog, I have discovered many opportunities in meeting others in the blogger community. There is always an opportunity to learn from others, good or bad.
13.) Take Lot's of Pictures- To be brutally honest with you, I used to hate getting my picture taken, but I learned that being in pictures and taking pictures will make memories last.
14.) Smiling is Infectious- I can't tell you how many times someone has smiled at me and it brightened my day.
15.) Appreciate the People in Your life- Don't keep someone in your life that effect you in a negative way.
16.) Live Life Happily- Get the most you can out of this roller coaster, because if you don't and once it ends, you'll be looking back wondering what happened.
Stay Originally You,
P.S. Check out the Playlist of the week on the side bar too the right! Also.... have you checked out this awesome lip product by Palmers? I suggest you go check it out, link will be down below.