The Binge List- Netflix

3:38 PM

I honestly think we can all agree that the most time consuming part of Netflix is finding something to watch. I assume that all of my fellow Netflix watchers can agree that due to the thousands of streaming titles to choose from, it's almost impossible to find something you are into. Since I am a keen Netflix watcher, I have compiled a list of numerous titles that I believe you may enjoy. Thanks to this spectacular list, you will never Not have something good to watch!

Friends. Need I say more?

friends and gif image

Once Upon a Time

House of Cards

Gilmore Girls


Martin Freeman, sherlock, and john watson image

Parks and Recreation


The Big Bang Theory

help, penny, and funny image


Clueless (Perfect for sleepovers)

classic, Clueless, and gif image

Before We go (Chris Evans... enough said)

Scream: Practically my favorite "Horror" movie ever!!!

She's All That: We all need that one 90's Chick Flick in our lives

Save the Last dance

White Chicks

Notting Hill

The Prince and Me

Legally Blonde

Sixteen Candles

Stay Originally You,
P.S. This list will be periodically updated, so make sure to check back for more titles!

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