Inspiration of the Week: It's Summer!

6:27 PM

Hi there! Welcome to Summer. It's like a breath of fresh air, is it not? To me, Summer vacation is not only a break from school, but a time too really think and adventure out into your limit of capabilities. There will often be a spike in gym memberships, teenagers looking for a summer job and a drastic increase in the amount of people binge watching their favorite television shows on Netflix. It's certainly not a time to be lazy, but a time to do something eccentric. Read all those books you didn't get a chance to pick up, because you were busy with school. Hang out with that friend you haven't seen in a long time. Go on a nice walk. Go to the movies. Catch up on your summer reading. Grab an ice cream with a friend and walk around your local mall. Go on a friendly visit too the beach. The possibilities are endless! Adventure is worth while, but it's up to you to saddle up and make it happen. So today, I have compiled some photos off the internet to get my creative juices flowing.


Stay Originally You,
P.S. All images were taken from We Heart It

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